Environmental Ambition 

Luton Carnival Arts Development Trust is committed to sustainable development. Our guiding principle is to meet the needs of the present carnival arts community without compromising future generations.   Protecting the environment is an integral and fundamental part of this commitment. Our aim is to reduce the impact on the environment from our operations. We are committed to the carnival groups’ pledge to reduce our carbon footprint by 50% by 2026. We are also committed to the pledge to ensure Luton is a carbon neutral town by 2040. 

We aim to become a best practice example of how a Carnival Arts organisation can successfully reduce the negative environmental impacts of our office management, arts participation and events programmes. 

In 2023 with the support of the Greener Future Fund awarded through the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation. We embarked on our journey in reducing Luton Carnival’s CO2 emissions and upskilling local artists and students in sustainable practices. Please see below for our project findings, learning and outcomes.

Environmental and Sustainability Policy 2024-2030 - Based on our extensive research and insights, we are excited to launch the UKCCA Environmental and Sustainability Policy for 2024–2030. This dynamic document will adapt and grow as we continue to learn and uncover new information. UKCCA is dedicated to embedding sustainability into our core values and operations. This policy outlines our commitment to environmental stewardship and the actions we will take to achieve our sustainability goals.

Thank you to our funders