How to make a Windrush themed headdress and collar

Follow these instructions to create an amazing headdress for Black History Month which celebrates the Empire Windrush. Find out more about the Windrush Generation here.

Windrush headdress and collar created to celebrate Black History month

Print out our handy templates

We have created a set of handy templates for you to print out. There are 4 pages to download and print - 3 are templates to be printed onto A3 paper and one onto A4 paper. Simply click on the buttons below to download.

First make your headdress

To make your headdress you take the print out called 1 - A3 Windrush Headdress & Collar and cut the strip from the bottom. Keep this piece as it will help you when you put it together.

Paper pieces of windrush carnival headdress

Next, cut out the shape you see at the bottom.

Pieces for windrush carnival headdress

Now it is time to put this together. You will first turn over your main piece, and fix on the long strip to the top. Next, cut out the smaller headband strips from the download called 3 A3 Windrush Headdress & Collar. Fix one onto either side.

Pieces in reverse for Windrush carnival headdress

You can then fit it to the wearer. If you don't have a mannequin to do this on, you can work together with a friend or family member to fit it. First you will curve the main piece of paper around to the back of the head, then join the three strips to make the Windrush headdress secure as a single piece. Use tape or glue to fix them together.

Headdress measured around a mannequin head

Decorate the headdress

In print outs 3 A3 Windrush Headdress & Collar and 4 A4 Windrush Headdress & Collar there are a range of shapes you can cut out and colour, including waves. Cut these out and use blue pen or paint to decorate.

Cut out wave shapes coloured blue

These can be fixed to the sides of the headdress, so that the headdress 'boat' looks like it is slicing through the waves!

Add the mast

In print out 3 - A3 Windrush Headdress & Collar you will also find a shape for the mast that you can add to the top. You can cut this out and fold it to give some extra height to your Windrush headdress. Do this by folding down the edges of the mast, like in the picture below, and then glue it to the sides of your headdress so it is coming out of the top.

Cut out mast shape
Windrush headdress made from paper

Make the collar

On printout 2 - A3 Windrush Headdress & Collar you will find a range of shapes to make your collar. The collar is in the design of a luggage tag. Cut this out and paint gold or brown round the edges. You will need to snip the top circular piece so that it can be opened to put around your neck.

Windrush luggage tag carnival costume collar print out

Next you can cut out the other pieces, such as waves, an anchor and a life-saver, and colour them in. You can decorate your collar with these additional pieces.

Carnival collar for Windrush costume

Here is your finished Windrush carnival costume!

Finished paper Windrush carnival costume

Want to know more about Windrush? Read our post here.


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