Gold Eid costume
Here is an easy to make gold Eid costume which consists of a headdress and collar and is made entirely from paper so can be made at home or school with no special materials.
You will need
3 pieces of A4 paper
Colouring pens, pencils or paint
Print out your templates
First you need to print out your templates. Click the button below for the full template pack in a downloadable PDF. If you don't have a printer you can draw these on the paper yourself by copying the picture below. You will end up with three pieces of A4 with your templates on.
Cut out and decorate your pieces
You will need to cut out all the pieces from the template first. Put all your base pieces (pages 8 to 13) to the side.
You can now decorate them. Our artist has painted all the decorative patterns with gold for a really striking look, but you can use any colours you like.
Painted pieces of Eid celebration headdress
Fix your headdress base together
For the headdress your template will give you 4 pieces to glue together. You will glue parts 1 and 2 together to form a band around your head. The shaped piece will sit over your eyebrows.
You then glue parts 3 and 4 in a cross over the top of the base to form a hat shape. So one side of part 3 will be glued to the inside front of the band, the other side to the inside back of the band. Part 4 will go in the opposite direction, fixing to the two sides to form a cross shape on top.
Decorate the headdress
Now you can add all your decorative pieces to your base to make your headdress look really amazing. In our example we have put the big circular moon and lamp design in the middle, with a pattern at the back, and lamp designs either side.
Create a matching collar
Now let’s create a matching collar to complete your EID costume. First print out your templates. There are four pieces, and they can be found on pages 10 - 13 of the downloadable booklet. They look like the templates below. You can see how they form a collar shape.
Cut our your pieces, and fold down the lines on each of the straight edges. This is where you will join your pieces together to form a collar - your head will go through the circle shape in the top-middle.
Decorate your EID collar
Now it is time to get creative again! Cut out your star shapes and circle shapes and stick them over your collar to decorate it. The big circle pattern should go at the front. It is in two pieces which you can join in the middle. You can stick the smaller patterns around the sides.